Miles&Smiles benefits
Earning Miles
Earn up to 4,000 Miles with Avis
You earn a minimum of 500 Miles for each rental worldwide. In addition you can earn more when renting for longer.
- 1000 Miles for 3-6 days, a total of 1500 Miles
- 2000 Miles for 7-9 days, a total of 2500 Miles
- 3500 Miles for 10+ days, a total of 4000 Miles
- 15,000 Miles campaign is only valid for rentals made in Turkey
If you are a Miles&Smiles member, when renting with AVIS, you will earn 1000 Miles for 1-2 day rentals, 2500 Miles for 3-6 day rentals, 4000 Miles for 7-9 day rentals, 8000 Miles for 10+ day rentals for the Economy segment (B, N, F, A), 10,000 Miles for 10+ day rentals for the Comfort segment (O,P), 10,000 Miles for 10+ day rentals for the Prestige segment (D,H,J), 12,000 Miles, for 10+ day rentals for the Premium segment (L, G, M, C, E), 14,000 Miles, for 10+ day rentals for the Luxury and Van segments (K,I) 15,000 Miles.
Terms and conditions apply.